LeGrand Friends Church is affiliated with Iowa Yearly Meeting of Friends. LeGrand Friends Church sits on the corner of Main Street (formerly Highway 30) and Franklin Street in the LeGrand, Iowa.
Our Pastor is Alan Mullikin. Our Sunday schedule begins at 9:00 AM with Sunday School followed at 10:00 AM with our Morning Worship Service. Please come and join us! Everyone is welcome!
Our Pastor is Alan Mullikin. Our Sunday schedule begins at 9:00 AM with Sunday School followed at 10:00 AM with our Morning Worship Service. Please come and join us! Everyone is welcome!

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Our Ministries
Pioneer Club and Chuckwagon
Pioneer Clubs® provide weekly club programs for boys and girls 4 years old through 6th grade that help them make Christ Lord in every aspect of life, form healthy relationships, and develop positive feelings about God, others and themselves. Club members grow socially, physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually through skill-building activities, projects, games, singing, Scripture memory and Bible study. Pioneer Club runs from September through April each year. Pioneer Club begins at 5:45 PM and ends at 7:30 PM.
Chuckwagon is a meal-time that is held weekly beginning at 5:15 PM. It's purpose is to allow kids to attend Pioneer Club and still have an evening meal. There is a minimal cost.
Chuckwagon is a meal-time that is held weekly beginning at 5:15 PM. It's purpose is to allow kids to attend Pioneer Club and still have an evening meal. There is a minimal cost.
Middle and High School Youth Groups
Middle/ High School Youth will meet on Wednesdays from 6:00 PM until 7:30 PM during the school year. This group is for 7th to 12th grade students.
Men's GroupMen's Group meets Thursday at 9:00 AM at the church during the school year. It is a time of fellowship, sharing and bible lessons.
Sunday School
There will be one Adult Sunday School class to start the year. It will meet in the room at the back of the sanctuary.
We do provide a nursery for children through age 5.
Prayer Meeting
Group Discussion and Prayer is held on Monday each week at 6:30 PM. Join us in this important time praying for families, communities, and our nation.
Prayer Ministry Available - Whether you have a health, family, personal, or other type of concern, this is your opportunity to have others partner with you to hear God for your situation. A typical prayer session lasts 50 to 60 minutes as you share your concern, then pray together. If needed, sessions can continue weekly for several weeks. Contact Pastor for more information.
Prayer Ministry Available - Whether you have a health, family, personal, or other type of concern, this is your opportunity to have others partner with you to hear God for your situation. A typical prayer session lasts 50 to 60 minutes as you share your concern, then pray together. If needed, sessions can continue weekly for several weeks. Contact Pastor for more information.
Young Adults
A Young Adults Group will meet bi-monthly at the home of Larry and Donna Eakins. This group is for anyone who has graduated from high school up through your early 40’s. Come for a time of fellowship, food and fun. Childcare is available during this time.
Vacation Bible School
LeGrand Friends Church hosts Vacation Bible School each summer. Check out our calendar page for dates.
Youth Camps For many years, young people from LeGrand Friends have attended youth camps at Camp Quaker Heights located near Eldora, Iowa. Through the years, many youth have attended these camps and many older youth and adults have served at Camp Quaker Heights as counselors. Youth camps are one of the ministries supported by our church. Information about camp dates will be posted once that information becomes available to us. Click here to visit IAYM Youth Ministries website.